
Black ice hoi 4
Black ice hoi 4

However other mods will need to be made compatible to work with BICE. We are happy to incorporate other mods into BICE itself on occasion. We aim to overhaul the entire game so other mods will not be balanced or accommodated for in BICE. Remove all other mods ! If you need to use other mods, do so at your own risk. At this stage of the mod development nothing is set in stone and the mod is just the bare skeleton for a future monster BICE. If you see something you can do better let the BICE team know. We welcome other modders and players to contribute work to BICE. We will add in content continuously either directly via the BICE team or through player input and additions. Version 1.0+ sets the ground work for more to come.

black ice hoi 4 black ice hoi 4 black ice hoi 4

The mod is primarily a single player vs AI build, however multiplayer is possible and balance will be worked on in future versions. We aim to tread a fine line between historical accuracy and the game balance. Black ICE is a mod which aims to overhaul HOI IV in order to make a more immersive, historical, and challenging experience for the player.

Black ice hoi 4